A batch of Indian marathon enthusiasts are getting ready, steady to run the Berlin Marathon in its 50th year this September…   Read More

Maitri magazine

Unveiling the Dynamics of Business Tourism

Maitri - Special Issue | Feb 2024 | Pg 24 & 29

Business travel has transcended mere transactions; it has evolved into a strategic tool for global networking, alliances and collaborations …  Read More

Subhash Motwani in Iceland

He’s just Lava’in it!

Mid-day | Sun, Jun 2, 2024 | pg 4

“Iceland is known as the land of fire and ice for its glaciers and volcanoes as much as how well-managed a country is, with almost 60 to 80 earthquakes a day…   Read More

Local residents gather to discuss issues

'We all can coexist'

Mid-day | Mon, Apr 15, 2024 | pg5 | Read Article

Subhash Motwani, president Clean Heritage Colaba Residents’ Association (CHCRA), explained, ” Let us make this clear at the outset that we are not against hawkers  …Read More

A hawker-free footpath

Modi visit clears Colaba foothpath for a few hrs

The Times of India | Tue,Apr 2, 2024 | pg 3

“Colaba Causeway has disintegrated from being the prime walkable area for locals and tourists alike, to one of the most congested areas leading to excess traffic…   Read More

Walking free at Colaba Causeway

Causeway's clean sweep unsurprising

Mid-day | Tue, Apr 2, 2024 | pg6

Subhash Motwani, president Clean Heritage Colaba Residents’ Association (CHCRA) said, “It has happened again. Our PM who coincidentally is a senior citizen …Read More

No hawking zone name plate

In Colaba, 'No hawking zone' boards tampered with

The Times of India | Fri, Feb 09, 2024 | Times City page

Subhash Motwani, a Colaba resident said that as residents it is frustrating for them to see these sign boards being changed and nothing  being done about it …Read More

Subhash Motwani, a local, said, “Earlier, when they were removed they would move their wares into the bylanes. …Read More


Trend Report: How We Will Travel In 2024

Zeezest.com | Jan 08, 2024 | 10:24 IST

Subhash Motwani, director of Mumbai-based luxury and experiential travel company Namaste Tourism (namastetourism.com) attributes this to the rise of OTT content consumption. …Read More